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Receive Coverage


We're doing something we would like covered in the campus newspaper. How do we get a story in The Appalachian?

Like any newspaper, there is no way to guarantee coverage - but there are ways to better your chances. Remember that they are students and appreciate being asked directly rather than going through their adviser. Below are options for having your events/efforts published by The Appalachian.


  • The Division of Student Affairs offers a free service to campus organizations of providing classified listings in our print publication that are limited to 100 words. Please email me a blurb of no more than 100 words that describes the event, giving location, time, date, and person of contact. Once I receive this email I can include it in the classified listings. 

  • For story ideas, you can email Sydney Spann, [email protected] and Aidan Moyer, [email protected]. If you would like to write a guest editorial, you can email Q Russell, [email protected].  The best way to promote your event would be to purchase

  • advertising on our website, or in our weekly print publication. Our website receives thousands of views from students, and we offer a discount to campus organizations looking to advertise in the print publication. Your office/organization can purchase an online ad for as little as $100 a week or $350 a month. Not only will you reach your target audience, but you will also be supporting The Appalachian news organization by providing funding to our mission of student development. View our advertising page or contact The Appalachian business office at 828-262-2157, [email protected].

I know you can't guarantee coverage - but what can we do to better our chances?
You can better you chances by:

  • Giving the publication advance notice - at least a week.
  • Talk to the staff in person. And make sure your talking to the right person - don't give a story idea to an ad rep.
  • Don't talk down to the students or tell them what they should do.
  • If its after the event, send the publication photos and information.

Got a question you don't see here? Contact the Assistant Director of Student Media, Olivia Wilkes, at [email protected].